We were busy today cleaning up the yard for daddy to come home. We worked really hard and were tired out so we all took really long naps today, even mommy. After naps Aunt Sarah and Aunt Katie were here so we played with them and then went to eat dinner. In the car Caleb was asking Aunt Sarah to sing row row row your boat, then he was being silly and decided it should be row row row your duck. We had to make a quick stop at Target to get lightbulbs, then we came home and it was time for a quick bath and bedtime. Another busy day tomorrow!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A little help please
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Busy, busy
We had another busy day today- we were pretty tired from our zoo trip yesterday, so we did sleep in a little more than normal. Caleb had school and mommy had an appointment, so Tyler went to play with Jack for a little bit. This evening we did a few errands and got dinner. Then we snuggled with mommy for a little bit and watched Wheel of Fortune before heading off to bed.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Another warm day
Monday, November 26, 2007
And home again
After our incredibly busy weekend, we are back at home again! Caleb had a great day at school- he told his teachers that he had a really fun time over the holiday weekend. Tyler and mommy picked up Leo and then had lunch and caught up with Hillary, Jack, Jody, and Hailey. Then came the really long naps this afternoon- Tyler slept for 3 hours and Caleb slept a little over 2 hours. Then we had to run out and get some milk and bread and a few other things.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
More visiting and more driving
We had a visit with lots more family today. We spent a little time with our great grandma Shanas and lots more great aunts and uncles. Then after that we started back home. We took Aunt Katie back home and then continued on our way. We got home just in time to go to sleep. It was such a busy weekend that we were pretty tired out.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
More family fun
Today was a lot of fun. We had some more family join us for the day. Our great grandma was here along with our great uncle John and great uncle David and his three boys. We got to play a lot and Aunt Katie let us help her open her birthday presents! We were celebrating her birthday a little early- which we really enjoyed because that meant that we got to have birthday cake!


Friday, November 23, 2007
More fun
Today we went over to visit with grandma and grandpa and uncle Steve. We had a really great time. Caleb got to play outside for a while, throwing rocks and just exploring. In the evening, we went over to visit with our great-grandma and Ed and have pizza for dinner. We were both pretty tired out after that long day!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a pretty fun day today. Tyler slept in until 10 in the morning and both of us were in a really good mood all day. We spent today with mommy, grandpa, nana, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Katie, great Aunt Marie and Adrian. We had some turkey and the rest of the normal Thanksgiving foods, but we weren't all that impressed- we both preferred the rolls over everything else! Then Tyler helped grandpa pick out his christmas present.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Driving and baking
This morning Tyler and mommy were invited to Caleb's classroom for lunch before the Thanksgiving break. Tyler had a lot of fun exploring Caleb's classroom and we had a yummy lunch before heading out.

We stopped and picked up Aunt Katie on our way to Grandpa and Nana's house, so she got to ride with us for the last part of the trip. After having dinner and Tyler went to sleep, Caleb got to stay up for a few extra minutes and help mommy make the cinnamon rolls. He'd already had his bath- perhaps we should have waited!


We stopped and picked up Aunt Katie on our way to Grandpa and Nana's house, so she got to ride with us for the last part of the trip. After having dinner and Tyler went to sleep, Caleb got to stay up for a few extra minutes and help mommy make the cinnamon rolls. He'd already had his bath- perhaps we should have waited!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Mommy was really busy today. We were pretty good while she got things all packed up for our trip. We'll leave tomorrow after Caleb gets out of school, so hopefully it'll be an easy drive.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Singing and splashing
Mommy got Caleb on tape! And also a little bit of us acting silly. We had a pretty busy day, but it was a good day too! Enjoy the video!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Another Sunday
Not much went on today. We went to church and then came back home. We had Moe's for dinner (of course) and then went to bed pretty early. We have a busy day tomorrow and we also have to start getting ready to go out of town for Thanksgiving. Caleb is getting really good at singing his songs- mommy wants to get some more on tape, we might try that tomorrow. If so, we'll have a new video up!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Cuddly boy
After a busy day of running around we got stuck in some traffic on the way home- not that much fun. So when we got home, it was time for bed. Tyler wasn't feeling so good, he ended up waking up after about an hour of sleep, so he cuddled with mommy for a little while. He ended up going back to his bed, but not before mommy got a picture!


Friday, November 16, 2007
Checking on the new baby
Mommy had a doctor appointment today, so we got to play. We got to play outside and on the computer and all sorts of fun stuff. Little baby seems to be growing fine! We were able to grab some lunch before coming home and taking naps. Then we went shopping for Aunt Katie's birthday present and got to wear our warm jackets for the first time.


Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rain, rain
It rained today- and got a lot cooler! We spent the morning inside, mommy did the laundry and we got to watch Nemo- we haven't done that in a while. We both slept pretty good- must have been the rain! We did a few errands in the evening and just headed back home for the night.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Another beautiful day
Caleb had a great day at preschool today! They had a feast and he brought home some fun artwork. Tyler and mommy spent the morning at the doctor's office getting an update for Tyler's medicines. So they didn't have as much fun as Caleb did. But, we all had a great time after naps- we took advantage of the nice day and went back to the park! Playing hard like that has a price though- we definitely needed a bath tonight! Especially with Caleb's chocolate milk mustache!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Nice weather
We had some warmer weather today, and since we didn't feel like taking long naps, we went to the park. Both of us had fun swinging, going down the slides, and just running around in general. Caleb can now climb pretty good and had fun showing off that skill. Tyler was just into everything. After our bath, we watched a little show before heading off to bed.
Monday, November 12, 2007

Caleb is all done already

We had a fun day today- preschool for Caleb and time with mommy for Tyler. In school today, Caleb and his class talked about the letter G and giraffes. They also glued gumdrops onto paper. We also did a few other things after naps and then had dinner before coming home.

Caleb is all done already

We had a fun day today- preschool for Caleb and time with mommy for Tyler. In school today, Caleb and his class talked about the letter G and giraffes. They also glued gumdrops onto paper. We also did a few other things after naps and then had dinner before coming home.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Another day
We felt a little better today, so we played with Aunt Katie a little bit before she had to leave. And then it was naptime. Caleb didn't sleep very long- and he should have- he got up super early this morning. After Tyler woke up we ran a few errands before going to Moe's for dinner. We were home and in bed pretty early tonight- it was a long day for us all!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Not feeling so good
Friday, November 9, 2007
A good day
Lots of smiles today- both of us were in really good moods. We also got a lot done today- we went to Target and a little more shopping. Mommy and Aunt Katie cleaned out the red car so that it is ready for daddy when he gets home. Now they just have to do something about all those pine needles on it. We had a good dinner and then were pretty tired out, so we went on to bed!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A long day
We both had mommy up during the night, so it was a long day for everyone. We behaved pretty well though, considering. We were pretty patient in the traffic since the drawbridge was going up when we were trying to get over to the other side. Mommy had to get some lab work done, and we did a great job waiting on her. Because we were so good, mommy took us to play on the big hot dog for a while. That made us nice and tired so we took really good naps. After we had dinner and baths, we got a nice surprise- Aunt Katie got here!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Jumpin Jelly Beans
We tried out a new jumping place tonight and had a great time! It is a pretty big place with lots of room to run. Tyler loved the slides, and Caleb did really good on the obstacle course. There were jumpers with slides, animals, and a really big one that we could just jump in. Caleb liked the one with the animals a lot.

Tyler loved going down the really big slide

He kept wanting to go back up again and again


Tyler loved going down the really big slide

He kept wanting to go back up again and again

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Silly monkeys
Monday, November 5, 2007
Not so fun
Caleb was off school today. Since we had the morning free, mommy decided that we should all go have our flu shots. The wait wasn't that bad, but neither of us were thrilled with the actual shot. Caleb went after mommy and he did pretty good- he was fine once he got his band-aid. Tyler just kind of looked at the lady like "why did you do that?" We got some lunch and then spent the afternoon at home- we got to watch Nemo, which we hadn't done in a while, so that was lots of fun!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
An extra hour?
Not really! Caleb decided to get up around 5:30 this morning and Tyler was a couple of hours behind him. So, no extra hour of sleep for mommy today! Oh well, at least we all took a nap this afternoon. Then we headed down to Moe's to have dinner- we were both pretty hungry and didn't have much trouble eating our food! Then mommy let us run around outside for a little bit- we had some energy to burn off!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Today was a lot of fun! We went to story time this morning and then got to play for a while. We stuck around to have lunch and then headed home for some rest- we played hard this morning. This evening we went and had dinner and then got stuck in some traffic on the way back, but we sang some songs in the car and made it home just in time for bed.
Friday, November 2, 2007
A very busy, fun day!
We did so much today! We started out this morning and went over to play on the big hot dog and then have lunch. Then we took some naps- it was pretty quiet over here for a while! We went down to the Jumping Monkey and had a great time! That is where the pictures for today come from.
Going down slides


All piled into the car (and toasty warm despite the wind)

Going down slides


All piled into the car (and toasty warm despite the wind)

Thursday, November 1, 2007
More company!
When we got up from our naps today, Tara, Josiah and Evan were here! They came for a visit for the weekend! This evening we played with cars and blocks and had a really good time. Caleb's open house at school was tonight, so he and mommy went to visit his classroom and teachers while Tyler stayed to play some more. When we got home, Tyler was ready for bed- he was really tired out. Caleb and Evan and Josiah got to stay up a little later and watch a show before going to bed.


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