Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tyler and Leo

Tyler has become quite protective about Leo. He's started looking for him each morning and really likes it when he's around. Today they were hanging out in the grass outside, just relaxing...




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Game Day

Caleb started playing tball this year and has really been enjoying it. Here are a few pictures from todays game:




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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Flying Monkeys

*No children were harmed in the taking of these pictures*

Flying Monkey #1

Monkey #3

Monkey #4

Tyler preferred to keep both feet on the ground :)
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Stay-Cation 2010

The monkeys could have and would have spent the entire day in the pool on Saturday. The big boys swam for several hours and Garett and Sophie swam for quite a while as well. They all loved the water.




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Stay-cation 2010

So, instead of traveling 4 hours or more to do a lot of the same things we would do in Virginia, we decided to check in to a local hotel and do a stay-cation here in Norfolk. We found that the short travel time made this experience even more enjoyable. We went about 10 minutes away, and stayed in downtown Norfolk. We pretty much parked the car and walked everywhere once we got there. We went to a baseball game Firday night and when we got back, the kiddos went right to sleep.

Sleeping arrangements- this was Garett's first time to sleep in his sleeping bag instead of a pack and play- he did surprisingly well.


Riding arrangements- Lucky kiddos, they were strolled just about everywhere- but also got out just enough to run off energy.

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