We had a great time today! Caleb got a new train for Christmas and Tyler got a fun ride-on inchworm. Those were the first things we saw when we got up this morning. Mommy and daddy even let us open our other presents before eating breakfast, we both had a lot of fun unwrapping. Then we ate our breakfast and went back to playing with our new toys.
This morning we got up and made our cinnamon rolls first thing. Caleb really enjoyed helping mommy with the dough and getting to make a big mess! Tyler kind of wandered back and forth between "helping" and playing with the blanket. After our naps we got ready to go eat dinner and go to the Christmas Eve service at church.
Finally! Mommy was waiting on daddy to come home to give Tyler his first haircut. It seemed do-able when daddy left, but the past couple of months his hair had gotten out of control- at least in the back! So, here's Tyler during his first haircut- he did a great job sitting nice and still for daddy.
Somewhat...Everything is ready and if all goes as planned, daddy should be home tomorrow evening. Mommy hasn't really told us, but we've pretty much guessed that is what is going on! We think she knows we'll be so excited and Caleb won't be able to stop asking, so it probably is better to wait!
It was so pretty outside today! Caleb had school and got to play outside- one of his favorite things. Tyler and mommy did a little more Christmas shopping and then went back to pick up Caleb. Today Tyler thought it would be fun to sneak into Caleb's class and hang out for a while. Then we were home for some really long naps today- must have been the nice weather. Mommy had thought about taking us to the park today, but since we slept so long, that really didn't work out. So we played in the yard instead. Caleb is getting really good at his tricycle and Tyler had a blast just running around all over the place!
Nothing really exciting today. Just a pretty normal day overall! We just kind of hung out and took it easy this morning- mommy was folding laundry so we got to watch a movie. Then just the regular naps and afternoon of keeping ourselves busy!
Mommy bought us these fun suckers today! We both had a really good day. Caleb went off to school and mommy and Tyler met up with the guy who fixed our heat. So, it was 80 today (crazy for December) and we have heat back! Not that we've needed it- it hasn't even come on today at all! Anyway, back to the yummy suckers!
Is gone! Poor kiddo has lost his voice. It's pitiful and funny at the same time. He'll be trying to yell along with Caleb but not nearly enough sound comes out! He's working on some new teeth also- drooling and chewing on everything. Caleb had a pretty early morning this morning, so he and mommy got to snuggle for a while before Tyler got up. After dinner tonight, we watched Frosty the Snowman (mommy had saved it for us) and we both really liked it. We're sure we'll see it again before Christmas is over!
This morning we did a little Christmas shopping and played on the big hot dog before attempting story time. Tyler didn't sleep very well last night and Caleb didn't really seem interested in the story, so we left there early. We had lunch and Caleb took a great nap. Tyler still wasn't interested in sleep, so he had a rougher afternoon. Yesterday we got a package in the mail and in the box was a new Finding Nemo DVD from Nana and Grandpa. We already wore out our copy of Nemo (both discs), so this was a treat! We snuggled on the couch with mommy and watched it for a while. Then it was time for dinner and baths and an early bedtime for Tyler. Caleb got to stay up a little longer. Hopefully we'll have a peaceful night at our house tonight!
Mommy got us some new pjs today. We didn't really have any super warm jammies (because we don't normally sleep without the heat on), so we went out and found some today. They are pretty warm, but just in case, mommy put another layer under them. We both really like our dinosaur pjs and are looking forward to a good night's sleep!
Tyler says that really well- "brr!" We waited around this morning for someone to come and check the heat. Turns out the problem actually needs to have a part ordered in order to fix it (of course). It should be fixed by Monday or Tuesday- when it is supposed to be around 60 or so, and not 40 like today! So we stayed bundled up all day and went out to do a few things this evening. We also borrowed a space heater and mommy put it in our room for a little while to get it nice and warm before we went to bed. The cold didn't seem to bother us at all- we both slept really well and mommy said we were pretty toasty when we woke up too! Here's what we wore most of the day (we don't really need the hoods, but we really like to wear them sometimes!)
At least for the most part. Caleb went on to preschool this morning and mommy and Tyler went and hung out with Hillary and Jack for the morning. That must have been tiring for both of us because we took really long naps today! When we finally got up, mommy wanted to run a few errands. Unfortunately the store mommy wanted to go into had lost power, so we weren't able to do that errand. We did a couple other things and then had dinner and headed home. That's when everything got a little more exciting. Mommy noticed it was a little colder in the house than normal and when she checked the thermostat, the heat didn't seem to be working. So she bundled us up after our bath and made sure that we had warm blankets to sleep with.
We helped mommy do some Christmas shopping today. Both of us were really good the whole time we were gone, which really helped mommy out a lot. Since we were so good, she let us have a treat before going back home. Then after our naps, we went out and did some more shopping! Mommy really got a lot done, and was so happy that we were so cooperative today. She even made us mac and cheese for dinner- one of our favorites!
It was so windy this afternoon and evening that we stayed home and just hung around here. Tonight for dinner we had spaghetti and we had a great time eating it. Tyler really loved it- he also loved making a huge mess! They both went straight into the tub after dinner!
We had to let Aunt Sarah and Aunt Katie go back home today. Caleb was a little confused- he wanted them to ride in his silver car, but mommy explained that they had to go back to Raleigh. He seemed to understand that, so he was okay then. We then headed off to church. Mommy's class was having a Christmas lunch, so after church we stayed around for a little while to have pizza and cake- yummy! That meant that we got home later than normal, so we went straight on to our naps. Caleb was so tired that mommy had to wake him up to meet up with everyone for dinner at Moe's tonight!
We were lucky Aunt Sarah and Aunt Katie were here today! Mommy had a bunch of stuff she wanted to get done, so our Aunts took us over to storytime and to play for a little while. That really tired us out- so much that Tyler fell asleep on the way home. He did wake up and we had lunch and then took our naps- we slept for a long time again today. Mommy and Aunt Sarah and Aunt Katie worked more while we were sleeping, so when we finally woke up, we got to get out of the house again. We did a few things and then had dinner and came back to get our baths and off to bed. It was a really fun (and productive for mommy) day!