Tonight Caleb's preschool had their Christmas program. He did a really great job singing with his class. He really liked to watch the big screen that they had with close-up pictures of everyone, so it was hard to get a picture of him looking into the audience. Tyler did great sitting relatively still with his sucker, so all in all, it was a good night!
Tonight we went to Winter Wonderland with some friends. There were some really cute displays there along with lots of lights! We even got to see a real camel!
Today was Caleb's last soccer game. He seemed to enjoy playing soccer more this time around. This last game was cold though! He did lots of running around to keep warm and Tyler and Garett were great at hanging in there since it was cold! Then we went to McDonalds with his team to have a little party!
Garett is 9 months old today! He's getting so big! He still really doesn't have any desire to crawl, but he does manage to get around and is starting to try to pull up more and more.
Here's a quick preview of Tyler in his tuxedo for Aunt Sarah's wedding!