We woke up Easter morning to a few surprises! In our fun Easter buckets we had a few surprises waiting for us. Caleb, Tyler and Garett each got a new puzzle, some candy and new chuggington trains! Caleb had been asking for a chocolate bunny and what do you know- there was one in his bucket! Sophie got a lamb pez dispenser and a new pony, she was very excited. They also got a few goodies from Paca and Nana including some new bathing suits, some clothes and a few other things. The highlight however was the brand new triple lane slip n slide! It was a big hit and they couldn't wait to try it out. Lucky for the monkeys it was warm Sunday afternoon and they were able to test it out!! Happy Easter! We hope you all had a great day enjoying your families!
Sophie got to wear a new dress today too! It is a dress that Nana made for Aunt Katie when she was a baby and now Sophie and Lily get to wear it. Sophie even let us get a few pictures!
We had some visitors for Easter this year. Paca, Nana and Aunt Katie came to spend the weekend with us. (and Aunt Katie is staying all week for her Spring break!) They came with us to our Easter egg hunts we had on Saturday and had some special things to do with us. Nana found us some fun colored bubbles that we got to play with after our neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Caleb had blue bubbles, Tyler had green bubbles, Garett had orange bubbles and Sophie had pink bubbles. The bubbles were lots of fun and made a big mess so of course we had fun!
We also had a fun new recipe to try and made an Easter "peep-za" Here are some pictures from our creation and us enjoying it:
We had Spring Break this week so mommy has been trying to find things for us to do. We visited the zoo to see the new tigers and we got to see a new movie, Rio. We have enjoyed staying up a little later since we haven't had school and we've gotten to enjoy some movie nights this week! Our zoo pictures were our main ones we took this week because we've been playing outside and enjoying the nice weather. We have been trying to enjoy our spring break before the craziness of school, baseball and gymnastics resumes next week! On our last day/night of spring break it was very warm outside so we got to test our new slip n slide and play in the water. We had a macaroni picnic dinner and watched Beauty & the beast! We managed to get some pictures playing in the water, we hope you enjoy! What a great spring break!
Not only do we love Easter egg hunts but we also love dyeing Easter eggs this time of year. We dyed lots of eggs and even had some special eggs with our names on them. Sophie preferred to taste her pink eggs when they were done dyeing. It couldn't have tasted too terrible because she did it more than once! Caleb, Tyler and Garett did great dyeing eggs this year! They had so much fun and only cracked a couple :) Here are some pictures to enjoy!
We had lots of practice at Easter egg hunts this year. Garett and Tyler both had Easter egg hunts with their classes. We also went to an egg hunt at Towne Center and had two Easter weekend. On Saturday before we Easter we headed to the Easter egg hunt for Daddy's command and then later on that day we also had our neighborhood egg hunt. Caleb and Tyler are pros at this, but Garett and Sophie definitely benefitted from the extra practice! By the time we got to the neighborhood egg hunt they knew exactly what to do! Sophie still prefers to get one or two eggs and to study and open them instead of searching for more. This is perfect for her since she doesn't really eat candy anyways. She found two pink eggs and a blue one at the neighborhood hunt and the pink ones were definitely her favorites! Caleb, Tyler and Garett managed to find over 100 eggs in all of their hunts! It was so much fun to use our new buckets on our egg hunts!
Today we headed to the zoo to check out the new tiger exhibit. It is finally finished and we enjoyed getting to see it. The zoo is one of our favorite places to visit and we had so much fun on our first visit this spring!