This morning mommy had to get us up early (she actually had to set an alarm clock- one of her least favorite things to do). The reason- mommy had a doctor appointment to check on our baby brother. We got to play while mommy saw the doctor, and everything looked good at her appointment. Then we came back home to get our stuff together and took off for Raleigh to surprise nana for her birthday. It was a pretty easy drive, and when we got there Tyler got to take a quick nap before nana and grandpa got there. When nana got there she was really surprised to see us. We helped her open her gift and then Tyler discovered that he could get into the bathtub at the hotel by himself, so he decided that he was ready for a bath.

Tyler really liked playing with the paper

Waiting on his bath

And of course, what Tyler does Caleb has to do too (the opposite is also true)

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