Monday, March 3, 2008

Morrison Giraffes

Now all three boys have worn the giraffe sleeper. Do you know who is who?




Answers below...don't cheat!

1. Tyler at 1 month, 2 weeks old
2. Garett at 1 month old
3. Caleb at 1 month, 3 weeks old


Mady, Connor, & Kenzie's Mommy said...

I got them right although not by much. I swear that Garrett is looking more like Caleb than Tyler. Is that possible? Handsome lil guys Cara.

Tara said...

Wow, Caleb was a halfpint. I am sad to say I was 1 and 2. oh well.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOOO!!! Got them right! They are a handsome trio - good job, Guys! Look forward to catching up soon -- thinking of you and sending lots o' love!,