Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sophie's Birthday Party!

Over Labor Day weekend we celebrated Miss Sophie's 3rd birthday a few weeks early! She didn't seem to mind! We had some visitors over the long weekend so it seemed like the perfect time to celebrate. One of Sophie's favorite things to do is to have tea parties, so she had a pink lemonade tea party! We had lots of yummy sandwiches, lemonade, tea, veggies, fruit inside of a tea pot watermelon, jello lemons, finger foods and pink lemonade cupcakes! It was so fun and girly, and right up Sophie's alley. It's also no kid party without a craft, so the kiddos made special hats. The girls decorated tea hats for the occasion, and the boys decorated top hats. They turned out very cute. Check out some of the pictures!

party favors for the kiddos
birthday girl enjoying her cupcake! 

Sassy girl not wanting her picture taken!

Pictures of the little diva over the past year

Candy centerpieces

Delicious pink lemonade cupcakes that Mommy made!

Watching everybody sing happy birthday! 

blowing out her candles 

She was really into opening presents this year! 


Loving her ladybug 

Mason jars for the adult drinks- also their party favors

pink lemonade jello lemons

Tea hats & Top hats waiting to be decorated! 

Birthday banner 

one of the kids' favorites- PB&J sandwiches

Sophie's birthday picture with Daddy 

Enjoying the tea party with cousin Lily

Doing "cheers!" in their tea hats :) 

Party food 

Mommy did an awesome job! 


Tea pot watermelon! 

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